Friday 16 June 2017

First Overnight Visit to Onesua
I made it to Onesua on Tuesday and stayed 2 nights, returning Thursday mid afternoon. Here I am setting off in the Onesua bus with my orange backpack (my leaving gift from Wintec), and surrounded by boxes and a flat of eggs on the seat beside me.
 The bus carries people to and from Vila along with boxes and bags of groceries. So it took about 2 hours to get to Onesua (about 130km away from Vila) including pick-ups and drop-offs and shopping stops.
 I took some photos of the campus:
one of the gilrs' dorms, note the small solar lights on the patio charging up during the day. The power is through a diesel generator and is on all day when there are computer classes going on, but only in the evening from 5.30 to about 9.30pm otherwise. I got caught out with my phone battery going flat and having to wait till the power came on to be able to recharge.
It is a large campus, very nice with lots of grass. The buildings are in constant need of repairs though.

 Chickens roam free around the classrooms.
On Tuesday evening they had devotions, and the children seemed to break into spontaneous singing.

Epule (or Epule, B's and P's seem completely interchangeable) College is the trades training centre about 2 km down the road from Onesau. I waked over there a couple of times to see the trainers in action in their classrooms. 

Here is Mululu teaching Hospitality (cooking, waiting tables, tour-guide etc). She only has 3 students; 4 more who started the year did not return after the mid-year holiday for reasons unknown, possibly difficulties paying the fees.
Here's another shot of her classroom.

Here is the workshop where some of the other classes are held (electrical, joinery, motor mechanic).

 It was nice being out of the city and being able to walk along beside the sea to get to and from Epule,

but a bit unnerving being in one of the Pam houses (constructed as staff accommodation after Cyclone Pam) on my own at night, with a couple of fairly big spiders, loads of harmless millipede types bugs which crawled in under the door each evening, and a mouse for company.

I tucked the mosquito net in all the way around the mattress so nothing would crawl over me in the night 😬

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