Snippets from Around the Flat
Martyn was trying to pull the nails out of a piece of wood left lying around our yard last week. He wondered why the nail wasn't budging ...
The hammer was here when we moved in - hope it didn't cost much. It was from the Warehouse, so not local.
We are expecting visitors soon so we gave the spare bedroom a spring clean (even though there is no Spring season here). We found some souvenir fans to brighten the room a bit.
Public Works have finally decided to replace the water main down our road after it began leaking again this year. It was patched up several times last year.
Tony our landlord decided to take action to fill the holes in our road. He got a truckload of tiles that had been stripped out of somewhere and dumped it in one of the holes.
As it was being dumped, we wondered will they remove the bits of cardboard boxes? You can see the answer. There are lots of very sharp edges, so we will not be taking Ethel out that way, even though the mud has finally dried out.
The new unit above the studio flat next door to our flat is going up rapidly. Tony was thinking 3 storeys, but may stop and 2 and build a BBQ deck on top instead.