Wednesday 12 February 2020

Hot Tumas

So far the weather has been hot and sticky and raining sometimes, also windy and everything in the Korvan office has to be nailed down or it goes flying. Dave and Julie's pool has been a Godsend each day, but none more so than today. Today there was no wind at all and it was HOT! All the local people we work with were saying how hot it was so it must have been pretty bad. 

I (Annette) have been using insect repellent but they still seem to get me! Martyn hasn't had any bites yet that I know of - he must either taste bad or have thick skin 😆 

Not sure who enjoys the game of 'throw the rubber toy over the fence then fetch' more, Martyn or Raptor.

The pool is full to overflowing due to all the rain we had over the weekend - heavy rain all day Saturday and half of Sunday too, still heavy showers on Monday when Martyn flew up to Santo. Made me wonder how the sky could possibly have so much water in it!

The Korvan watertank sprouted a waterfall off the top as it was also ful to the brim.

 And the grounds became a pond. Amazing how quickly it soaked away through the coral ground afterwards though.

On Monday morning the students were learning about BMI (Body Mass Index) so Cyrilline and I hastily mocked up a height chart so they could actually work out their BMI,
 only to find that the two presenters from the Ministry of Health who arrived an hour later than scheduled had a much more professional one with them 😂

Today the students seemed to enjoy making ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) for treating dehydration due to diarrhoea among other causes - frequently needed in the villages here.

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