Wednesday 22 March 2017

Touch Rugby at 3.00 pm, 30 degrees. Those Ni Vans are committed to their game. They are playing on Independence Park, beside where we work at the PCV Office


  1. Not sure if this is working, my third and final attempt and hopefully you've received this three times rather than not at all :)
    y sat down and followed the link and have thoroughly enjoyed looking at your photos and reading your comments. Take care, love and god bless Christine Reynolds xx

    1. Hi Christine,
      So good to hear from you, this is the first comment we have received from you. Martyn is not well at the moment but is hopefully over the worst now. Had a bad flu with fever and gastro, made worse by the heat. Our landlord and other kiwi volunteers have been so good to us. Thanks be to God and may he bless you too :) A.

  2. A bit of delly belly? Hope you recover quickly. and Annette you don't fall prey to it.
    We are keeping you in our prayers.
    Still envy all those nice pictures. Love from us all.
    NB had a working bee today 10 people turned up.

    1. Hi Bill, Thanks. Not delly belly but flu. He's still not well but better than before. Prayers still needed for him please, and you are all in our prayers too. Good turn out for working bee :)
