Medical Sailing Ministries Mission 4 Update
21st September 2017
Annette has come on line for a "small wait", and has sent photos through of the last few days.
This lady holding the washing is Mary. She showed Annette how to do the washing the Ni Van way. Annette was doing her own washing, and Mary wondered what the crazy white woman was doing sitting on the wash board to start her washing.. So Mary kindly offered to help show Annette how to do the washing.
If you look carefully you can see Bob in the pamplemouse tree picking the fruit. to take with them to Namasari clinic. Pamplemouse is the local grapefruit in Vanuatu.
Kiwi being the figurehead on the Chimere. And a very fine figurehead as well.
Sailing around the north side of Gaua Island. Is that cloud on the mountain ? The air had a sulphur smell .
Sailing into Lakona Bay, Gaua Island late in the afternoon
The village of Tolav Village, Lakona Bay.
The community centre at Tolav Village
More decorations on the buildings on some of the houses up here than elsewhere in Tolav
How many can you fit in a boat? No life jackets ?

Lakona Bay, Gaua Island sunset.
Beautiful blue water in the channel between islands. This is coming to Sola village on Vanualava Island. Annette hopes to met a Pastor Baise Narai in Sola. We met Pastor Baise at the PCV Assembly in Tasiriki. The PCANZ sponsored Pastor Baise through his pastor training at Talua Theological College on Santo. Annette wanted to catch up with him to see how he is getting on in Vanualava. It is a remote island so communication is difficult.
On the way to Sola the crew caught their dinner. These two tuna are about 50 cm long.
Main street in Sola, Gaua Island.
Sola isnt a big village, not much there. But they do have a yacht club.
Sola hospital. Notice the solar panels in Sola? :-)
Dentist Wellan and Kiwi travelling in truck from the hospital to get onto the dinghy to return to the Chimere.
Annette wonders if this is the ugliest boat in Vanuatu?
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